Atlanta groom-to-be paralyzed during bachelor party

Автор: | 13.12.2016

A joint bachelor/bachelorette party went from celebratory to tragic when the groom became paralyzed after going swimming.

Brett Greenfield, 39, and his fiancée, Meg Alexander, 29, went to Naples, Florida, to spend the weekend of Dec. 2 with their friends and family. While playing football on the beach, Greenfield decided to go swimming, reported.

“Brett went into the water and all of a sudden my friend Kelsey says, ‘Why is Brett doing that? Why is he floating like that?’ ” Alexander told People. “I was like, ‘I don’t know, he’s a goofball’ and she went to check on him.”

Kelsey Rice, a nurse, knew something was wrong when she saw Greenfield floating and when they got him to the beach, he told her he couldn’t move.

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Paramedics airlifted Greenhill to Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers where doctors told the couple he was paralyzed from the neck down, likely from hitting his head on a sandbar, People reported. Greenhill had a 1 percent chance of regaining mobility.

“We’re holding on to that 1 percent because if anyone will do it, it’s Brett,” Alexander told People. “He’s the hardest-working person you could ever imagine.”

Greenhill’s diagnosis came 10 weeks before their planned wedding date, which has now been postponed.

The couple’s friends have started a GoFundMe page to cover Greenhill’s medical bills, future procedures and adjustments to their home and raised more than $90,000 in six days.

Greenfield is currently in the intensive care unit and temporarily unable to speak, People reported.

“The only love stronger then Meg and Brett's love for each other, is their love for God, and commitment to a faith that will give them the strength to continue,” friends wrote on their GoFundMe page. “Regardless of this circumstance the couple is determined to push through, with God by their side, and one day complete the promise they made to one another.”

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