Can You Actually Delay Menopause?
Even though it’s a natural part of a woman’s reproductive lifespan, menopause can be a lightning rod for emotional reactions. Some women are thrilled to have their periods come to an end, along with the risk of having an unplanned pregnancy. Others dread the prospect of hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and other unpleasant symptoms related to menopause.
Meanwhile, still others worry about increased health risks—for conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia—that can come with the loss of ovarian function and the dramatic decline in estrogen levels that occur after menopause. That’s partly why some scientists and cultural influencers believe that delaying menopause may be a key to longevity.
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“The ovary ages faster than many other organs, and often even faster than the woman herself,” says Dr. Zev Williams, director of the Columbia University Fertility Center and chief of the division of reproductive endocrinology and fertilit..